Marlock Homes Diary


CentOS 6.5からCentOS 7.0へのアップグレード(補足トラブル:対処)

CentOS 7.0がリリースされしばらく経つので、CentOS 6.5をCentOS 7.0にアップグレードし、CentOS7.0 の新機能を学ぶことにしました。


# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS release 6.5 (Final)


・ 事前にシステムのバックアップを取得しておきます。
・ 自己責任で実施して下さい。



1. yumによるパッケージの最新化(必要であれば)

# yum -y update

2. 再起動(必要であれば)

# reboot


# vi /etc/yum.repos.d/upgradetool.repo
name=CentOS-$releasever - Upgrade Tool


# yum install redhat-upgrade-tool preupgrade-assistant-contents

5.Preupgrade Assistantツールを実行

# preupg -l
# preupg -s CentOS6_7
Preupg tool doesn't do the actual upgrade.
Please ensure you have backed up your system and/or data in the event of a failed upgrade
 that would require a full re-install of the system from installation media.
Do you want to continue? y/n

Gathering logs used by preupgrade assistant:
All installed packages : 01/11 ...finished (time 00:01s)
All changed files      : 02/11 ...finished (time 06:10s)
Changed config files   : 03/11 ...finished (time 00:00s)
All users              : 04/11 ...finished (time 00:00s)
All groups             : 05/11 ...finished (time 00:00s)
Service statuses       : 06/11 ...finished (time 00:00s)
All installed files    : 07/11 ...finished (time 00:05s)
All local files        : 08/11 ...finished (time 00:28s)
All executable files   : 09/11 ...finished (time 00:04s)
RedHat signed packages : 10/11 ...finished (time 00:00s)
CentOS signed packages : 11/11 ...finished (time 00:00s)
Assessment of the system, running checks / SCE scripts:
001/096 ...done    (Configuration Files to Review)
002/096 ...done    (File Lists for Manual Migration)
003/096 ...done    (Bacula Backup Software)
004/096 ...done    (MySQL configuration)
005/096 ...done    (Migration of the MySQL data stack)
006/096 ...done    (Changes related to moving from MySQL to MariaDB)
007/096 ...done    (PostgreSQL upgrade content)
008/096 ...running (GNOME Desktop Environment underwent several design modificatdone    (GNOME Desktop Environment underwent several design modifications in CentOS 7 release)
009/096 ...running (KDE Desktop Environment underwent several design modificatiodone    (KDE Desktop Environment underwent several design modifications in CentOS 7 release)
010/096 ...done    (several graphic drivers not supported in CentOS 7)
011/096 ...done    (several input drivers not supported in CentOS 7)
012/096 ..done    (several kernel networking drivers not available in CentOS 7))
013/096 ...done    (several kernel storage drivers not available in CentOS 7)
014/096 ...done    (Names, Options and Output Format Changes in arptables)
015/096 ...done    (BIND9 running in a chroot environment check.)
016/096 ...done    (BIND9 configuration compatibility check)
017/096 ...running (Move dhcpd/dhcprelay arguments from /etc/sysconfig/* to *.sedone    (Move dhcpd/dhcprelay arguments from /etc/sysconfig/* to *.service files)
018/096 ...done    (DNSMASQ configuration compatibility check)
019/096 ...done    (Dovecot configuration compatibility check)
020/096 ...done    (Compatibility Between iptables and ip6tables)
021/096 ...done    (Net-SNMP check)
022/096 ...done    (Squid configuration compatibility check)
023/096 ...done    (Reusable Configuration Files)
024/096 ...done    (VCS repositories)
025/096 ...done    (Added and extended options for BIND9 configuration)
026/096 ...done    (Added options in DNSMASQ configuration)
027/096 ...done    (Packages not signed by CentOS)
028/096 ...done    (Obsoleted rpms)
029/096 ...done    (w3m not available in CentOS 7)
030/096 ...running (report incompatibilities between CentOS 6 and 7 in qemu-guesdone    (report incompatibilities between CentOS 6 and 7 in qemu-guest-agent package)
031/096 ...done    (Removed options in coreutils binaries)
032/096 ...done    (Removed options in gawk binaries)
033/096 ...done    (Removed options in netstat binary)
034/096 ...done    (Removed options in quota tools)
035/096 ...done    (Removed rpms)
036/096 ...done    (Replaced rpms)
037/096 ...done    (GMP library incompatibilities)
038/096 ...done    (package downgrades)
039/096 ...done    (restore custom selinux configuration)
040/096 ...done    (General)
041/096 ...done    (samba shared directories selinux)
042/096 ...done    (CUPS Browsing/BrowsePoll configuration)
043/096 ...done    (CVS Package Split)
044/096 ...done    (FreeRADIUS Upgrade Verification)
045/096 ...done    (httpd configuration compatibility check)
046/096 ...done    (bind-dyndb-ldap)
047/096 ...done    (Identity Management Server compatibility check)
048/096 ...done    (IPA Server CA Verification)
049/096 ...done    (NTP configuration)
050/096 ...done    (Information on
051/096 ...done    (OpenLDAP /etc/sysconfig and data compatibility)
052/096 ...done    (OpenSSH sshd_config migration content)
053/096 ...done    (OpenSSH sysconfig migration content)
054/096 ...done    (Configuration for quota_nld service)
055/096 ...running (Disk quota netlink message daemon moved into quota-nld packadone    (Disk quota netlink message daemon moved into quota-nld package)
056/096 ...done    (SSSD compatibility check)
057/096 ...done    (Luks encrypted partition)
058/096 ...done    (Clvmd and cmirrord daemon management.)
059/096 ...done    (State of LVM2 services.)
060/096 ...done    (device-mapper-multipath configuration compatibility check)
061/096 ...done    (Removal of scsi-target-utils)
062/096 ...done    (Configuration for warnquota tool)
055/096 ...running (Disk quota netlink message daemon moved into quota-nld packadone    (Disk quota netlink message daemon moved into quota-nld package)
056/096 ...done    (SSSD compatibility check)
057/096 ...done    (Luks encrypted partition)
058/096 ...done    (Clvmd and cmirrord daemon management.)
059/096 ...done    (State of LVM2 services.)
060/096 ...done    (device-mapper-multipath configuration compatibility check)
061/096 ...done    (Removal of scsi-target-utils)
062/096 ...done    (Configuration for warnquota tool)
063/096 ...running (Disk quota tool warnquota moved into quota-warnquota packagedone    (Disk quota tool warnquota moved into quota-warnquota package)
064/096 ...done    (Architecture Support)
065/096 ...done    (Binary rebuilds)
066/096 ...done    (Debuginfo packages)
067/096 ...done    (Cluster and High Availability)
068/096 ...done    (Quorum implementation)
069/096 ...done    (fix krb5kdc config file)
070/096 ...done    (File Systems, Partitions and Mounts Configuration Review)
071/096 ...done    (Read Only FHS directories)
072/096 ...done    (Sonamebumped libs)
073/096 ...done    (SonameKept Reusable Dynamic Libraries)
074/096 ...done    (Removed .so libs)
075/096 ...done    (In-place Upgrade Requirements for the /usr/ Directory)
076/096 ...done    (CA certificate bundles modified)
077/096 ...done    (Developer Tool Set packages)
078/096 ...done    (Hyper-V)
079/096 ...running (Content for enabling and disabling services based on CentOS done    (Content for enabling and disabling services based on CentOS 6 system)
080/096 ...done    (Check for ethernet interface naming)
081/096 ...done    (User modification in /etc/rc.local and /etc/rc.d/rc.local)
082/096 ...done    (cgroups configuration compatibility check)
083/096 ...done    (Plugable authentication modules (PAM))
084/096 ...done    (Foreign Perl modules)
085/096 ...done    (Python 2.7.5)
086/096 ...done    (Ruby 2.0.0)
087/096 ...done    (SCL collections)
088/096 ...done    (System kickstart)
089/096 ...done    (YUM)
090/096 ...done    (Check for usage of dangerous range of UID/GIDs)
091/096 ...done    (Incorrect usage of reserved UID/GIDs)
092/096 ...done    (NIS ypbind config files back-up)
093/096 ...done    (NIS Makefile back-up)
094/096 ...done    (NIS server maps check)
095/096 ...done    (NIS server MAXUID and MAXGID limits check)
096/096 ...done    (NIS server config file back-up)
Assessment finished (time 09:27s)
Result table with checks and their results for main contents:
|Bacula Backup Software                                                                    |notapplicable     |
|MySQL configuration                                                                       |notapplicable     |
|Migration of the MySQL data stack                                                         |notapplicable     |
|Changes related to moving from MySQL to MariaDB                                           |notapplicable     |
|PostgreSQL upgrade content                                                                |notapplicable     |
|GNOME Desktop Environment underwent several design modifications in CentOS 7 release      |notapplicable     |
|KDE Desktop Environment underwent several design modifications in CentOS 7 release        |notapplicable     |
|several graphic drivers not supported in CentOS 7                                         |notapplicable     |
|several input drivers not supported in CentOS 7                                           |notapplicable     |
|Names, Options and Output Format Changes in arptables                                     |notapplicable     |
|BIND9 running in a chroot environment check.                                              |notapplicable     |
|BIND9 configuration compatibility check                                                   |notapplicable     |
|Move dhcpd/dhcprelay arguments from /etc/sysconfig/* to *.service files                   |notapplicable     |
|DNSMASQ configuration compatibility check                                                 |notapplicable     |
|Dovecot configuration compatibility check                                                 |notapplicable     |
|Net-SNMP check                                                                            |notapplicable     |
|Squid configuration compatibility check                                                   |notapplicable     |
|Added and extended options for BIND9 configuration                                        |notapplicable     |
|Added options in DNSMASQ configuration                                                    |notapplicable     |
|w3m not available in CentOS 7                                                             |notapplicable     |
|report incompatibilities between CentOS 6 and 7 in qemu-guest-agent package               |notapplicable     |
|restore custom selinux configuration                                                      |notapplicable     |
|samba shared directories selinux                                                          |notapplicable     |
|CUPS Browsing/BrowsePoll configuration                                                    |notapplicable     |
|FreeRADIUS Upgrade Verification                                                           |notapplicable     |
|bind-dyndb-ldap                                                                           |notapplicable     |
|Identity Management Server compatibility check                                            |notapplicable     |
|IPA Server CA Verification                                                                |notapplicable     |
|OpenLDAP /etc/sysconfig and data compatibility                                            |notapplicable     |
|SSSD compatibility check                                                                  |notapplicable     |
|Clvmd and cmirrord daemon management.                                                     |notapplicable     |
|device-mapper-multipath configuration compatibility check                                 |notapplicable     |
|Removal of scsi-target-utils                                                              |notapplicable     |
|Quorum implementation                                                                     |notapplicable     |
|fix krb5kdc config file                                                                   |notapplicable     |
|cgroups configuration compatibility check                                                 |notapplicable     |
|Ruby 2.0.0                                                                                |notapplicable     |
|System kickstart                                                                          |notapplicable     |
|NIS ypbind config files back-up                                                           |notapplicable     |
|NIS Makefile back-up                                                                      |notapplicable     |
|NIS server maps check                                                                     |notapplicable     |
|NIS server MAXUID and MAXGID limits check                                                 |notapplicable     |
|NIS server config file back-up                                                            |notapplicable     |
|several kernel networking drivers not available in CentOS 7                               |pass              |
|several kernel storage drivers not available in CentOS 7                                  |pass              |
|OpenSSH sshd_config migration content                                                     |pass              |
|Configuration for quota_nld service                                                       |pass              |
|Disk quota netlink message daemon moved into quota-nld package                            |pass              |
|Luks encrypted partition                                                                  |pass              |
|Configuration for warnquota tool                                                          |pass              |
|Architecture Support                                                                      |pass              |
|Debuginfo packages                                                                        |pass              |
|Cluster and High Availability                                                             |pass              |
|Read Only FHS directories                                                                 |pass              |
|In-place Upgrade Requirements for the /usr/ Directory                                     |pass              |
|CA certificate bundles modified                                                           |pass              |
|Developer Tool Set packages                                                               |pass              |
|Hyper-V                                                                                   |pass              |
|Check for ethernet interface naming                                                       |pass              |
|Plugable authentication modules (PAM)                                                     |pass              |
|SCL collections                                                                           |pass              |
|Compatibility Between iptables and ip6tables                                              |informational     |
|VCS repositories                                                                          |informational     |
|Removed options in coreutils binaries                                                     |informational     |
|Removed options in gawk binaries                                                          |informational     |
|Removed options in netstat binary                                                         |informational     |
|Removed options in quota tools                                                            |informational     |
|GMP library incompatibilities                                                             |informational     |
|CVS Package Split                                                                         |informational     |
|httpd configuration compatibility check                                                   |informational     |
|NTP configuration                                                                         |informational     |
|Information on                                                           |informational     |
|Disk quota tool warnquota moved into quota-warnquota package                              |informational     |
|File Systems, Partitions and Mounts Configuration Review                                  |informational     |
|Sonamebumped libs                                                                         |informational     |
|SonameKept Reusable Dynamic Libraries                                                     |informational     |
|Removed .so libs                                                                          |informational     |
|Foreign Perl modules                                                                      |informational     |
|YUM                                                                                       |informational     |
|Reusable Configuration Files                                                              |fixed             |
|Replaced rpms                                                                             |fixed             |
|package downgrades                                                                        |fixed             |
|OpenSSH sysconfig migration content                                                       |fixed             |
|State of LVM2 services.                                                                   |fixed             |
|Configuration Files to Review                                                             |needs_inspection  |
|File Lists for Manual Migration                                                           |needs_inspection  |
|Obsoleted rpms                                                                            |needs_inspection  |
|Binary rebuilds                                                                           |needs_inspection  |
|Python 2.7.5                                                                              |needs_inspection  |
|Check for usage of dangerous range of UID/GIDs                                            |needs_inspection  |
|Incorrect usage of reserved UID/GIDs                                                      |needs_inspection  |
|Packages not signed by CentOS                                                             |needs_action      |
|Removed rpms                                                                              |needs_action      |
|General                                                                                   |needs_action      |
|Content for enabling and disabling services based on CentOS 6 system                      |needs_action      |
|User modification in /etc/rc.local and /etc/rc.d/rc.local                                 |needs_action      |
Tarball with results is stored here /root/preupgrade-results/preupg_results-150110180525.tar.gz .
The latest assessment is stored in directory /root/preupgrade .
Summary information:
We found some potential in-place upgrade risks.
Read the file /root/preupgrade/result.html for more details.
Upload results to UI by command:
e.g. preupg -u -r /root/preupgrade-results/preupg_results-*.tar.gz .

※ 今回は壊れてもよい試験的な環境で実施したため詳細は確認せず、次の手順に進みました。


# rpm --import
# centos-upgrade-tool-cli --network 7 --instrepo=
# centos-upgrade-tool-cli --network 7 --instrepo=
setting up repos...
cmdline-instrepo                                         | 3.6 kB     00:00
cmdline-instrepo/primary_db                              | 4.9 MB     00:03
epel/metalink                                            | 4.9 kB     00:00
epel                                                     | 4.4 kB     00:00
epel/primary_db                                          | 6.4 MB     00:00
upg                                                      | 1.9 kB     00:00
upg/primary_db                                           |  14 kB     00:00
No upgrade available for the following repos: base extras updates
.treeinfo                                                | 1.1 kB     00:00
Preupgrade assistant risk check found risks for this upgrade.
You can run preupg --riskcheck --verbose to view these risks.
Addressing high risk issues is required before the in-place upgrade
and ignoring these risks may result in a broken upgrade and unsupported upgrade.
Please backup your data.

List of issues:
INPLACERISK: HIGH: We detected some non-CentOS signed packages, you can find the list in /root/preupgrade/./kickstart/noncentospkgs. You need to handle them yourself!
INPLACERISK: HIGH: After upgrading to CentOS 7 there are still some el6 packages left. Add --cleanup-post option to redhat-upgrade-tool if you want to remove them automatically.
INPLACERISK: HIGH: There were changes in SELinux policies between CentOS 6 and CentOS 7. Please, check solution in order to resolve this issue.
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service blk-availability on CentOS 7 is disabled by default. Enable them via commands: systemctl enable blk-availability && systemctl start blk-availability.service .
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service ip6tables on CentOS 7 is disabled by default. Enable them via commands: systemctl enable ip6tables && systemctl start ip6tables.service .
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service network on CentOS 7 is disabled by default. Enable them via commands: systemctl enable network && systemctl start network.service .
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service ntpd on CentOS 7 is disabled by default. Enable them via commands: systemctl enable ntpd && systemctl start ntpd.service .
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service ntpdate on CentOS 7 is disabled by default. Enable them via commands: systemctl enable ntpdate && systemctl start ntpdate.service .
INPLACERISK: HIGH: File /etc/rc.d/rc.local was changed
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: We detected some packages installed on the system were removed (obsoleted) between CentOS 6 and CentOS 7. This may break the functionality of the packages depending on them.
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: We detected some packages installed on the system were removed between CentOS 6 and CentOS 7. This may break the functionality of the packages depending on them.
Continue with the upgrade [Y/N]?
rpm transaction 100% [=========================================================]
rpm install 100% [=============================================================]
setting up system for upgrade

8. 再起動

# reboot


9. バージョンの確認

# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS Linux release 7.0.1406 (Core)


CentOS 7.0後にupgrade後、下記の問題が発生しました。
a. sshdが起動しないが起動しない

# systemctl start sshd
# systemctl status sshd
sshd.service - OpenSSH server daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/sshd.service; enabled)
   Active: activating (auto-restart) (Result: exit-code) since 土 2015-01-10 19:47:47 JST; 5s ago
  Process: 1283 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/sshd -D $OPTIONS (code=exited, status=127)
  Process: 1281 ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/sshd-keygen (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 1283 (code=exited, status=127)

 1月 10 19:47:47 sshd[1283]: /usr/sbin/sshd: error wh...
 1月 10 19:47:47 systemd[1]: sshd.service: main proce...
 1月 10 19:47:47 systemd[1]: Unit sshd.service entere...
Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.

b. yumが実行できない

# yum install postgresql
There was a problem importing one of the Python modules
required to run yum. The error leading to this problem was: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Please install a package which provides this module, or
verify that the module is installed correctly.

It's possible that the above module doesn't match the
current version of Python, which is:
2.7.5 (default, Jun 17 2014, 18:11:42)
[GCC 4.8.2 20140120 (Red Hat 4.8.2-16)]

If you cannot solve this problem yourself, please go to
the yum faq at:

原因特定 => not foundが原因

# /usr/sbin/sshd
/usr/sbin/sshd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
# ldd /usr/sbin/sshd
 [省略] => not found


# ln -s /lib64/ /lib64/

今後は、CentOS 7.0の新機能を学んでいこうと思います。